Supporting Peaceful Environmental Conflict Management
The Climate Change crisis threatens the basic needs of all living creatures and Oregon is not immune to its reach. When livelihoods and community stability are at risk, conditions for destructive and violent conflicts exist. By adding an environmental peacebuilding lens, we believe there is opportunity to deal with environmental concerns constructively and nonviolently.
Nimipuu Protecting the Environment and Sustainable Northwest
In 2020 we funded Nimipuu Protecting the Environment for support in removing the Lower Four Snake River dams, as well as Sustainable Northwest to work with Pacific Northwest Tribes in support of removing the dams on the Klamath River. In both cases, we helped support the Tribes as they sought secure, peaceful and productive solutions.

In 2021, JFF funded an important conversation about the future of water quality and allocation in Oregon. We supported an effort by the business and Latinx communities to come together in common cause to form a joint agenda for water and prosperity for all people in Oregon.

Oregon Business Council
The major home-grown Oregon industries and businesses of the Oregon Business Council had recently finished their own report to offer proactive solutions for future water management. They were instrumental in our 2021 effort to bring Verde together with business leaders and build a vision for a sustainable water future for Oregon free of conditions that could lead to conflict.