Promoting Peaceful and Nonviolent Alternatives to Conflict
Our program supports peacebuilding activities in all sectors of society, with an emphasis on challenging militarism and finding viable alternatives to political violence and war.
Our Approach to Peace
We advance peacebuilding theories and practices that provide practitioners, activists, educators, and others with effective tools for nonviolent conflict transformation. We also recognize the need to center the voices of those who are most affected by violent conflict to achieve peace and security for all, not only a few.

Why focus on Militarism?
Militarism is a major driver of global wars and violence. Moving toward cultures of peace requires a paradigm shift within the U.S. and abroad. Such change is driven by grassroots efforts that center voices and lived experiences of those traditionally left out of the conversation. We combine these efforts with discoveries in Peace Science for maximum positive results.

An operating program of the Jubitz Family Foundation, the War Prevention Initiative works to transform the global peace and security paradigm to one that is built around viable alternatives to war and all forms of political violence. This program supports our peace and security funding.